Anna Göbel and Otto Kurtz Foundation
D-97907 Hasloch
Tel.: +49 9342 807123
E-Mail: info(at)
The Anna Göbel and Otto Kurtz Foundation is a private foundation constituted under civil law.
Bank account:
DE95 7902 0076 0023 4315 21
The board of directors is authorised to act on behalf of the foundation:
Rainer Kurtz
Walter Kurtz
Bernhard Kurtz
Regulatory authority:
Regierung von Unterfranken, Peterplatz 9, 97070 Würzburg
VAT number in accordance with Section 27a of Germany’s Value Added Tax Act (Umsatzsteuergesetz):
DE 263249675
Responsible for content, V.i.S.d.P:
Thomas Mühleck
CEO, Chairman of the Management Board
Kurtz Holding GmbH & Co. Beteiligungs KG
Frankenstr. 2
97892 Kreuzwertheim
On several pages on this website you find links to other web pages. Please notive for all links: We want to explicitly underline that we don´t have any influence on design and content of those websites.
Therefore we distance ourselves formally from the content of all linked pages on our homepage. This declaration is valid for all existing links on our website.
Opening Hours Hammermuseum
March to October
Thu.-Sun. 11:00 to 16:00
Fri.-Sun. 11:00 to 16:00
Phone +49 9342 807 123
E-Mail: info(at)